The New Work Culture-After Pandemic

             Hello All. We all know "CORONA", which has completely broke the back bone of the Word economy. Where as, the creator of this Virus, was much benefited. 2nd & 3rd world countries are much effected. Already the recession wave has started and many people have already lost jobs. Though govt. has given lot of relaxations during the lock down, but present situation, people are struggling to sustain their jobs. Either they are asked to resign or company is giving time to put down the paper or directly terminate them. 

               Secondly, IT and some Non-IT companies has started the culture of "Work From Home". Before pandemic, this "Work From Home" culture was treated as one of the type of leaves, where companies also has very less expectations. But during and after pandemic, the same "Work From Home" culture became mandatory. Companies are doing one time investment for buying accessories for the employees, where as they are making a huge revenue as the productivity has gone two to three times more. Moreover the infra structure, maintenance and other basic necessary expenses, which companies were doing, now are completely stopped. A huge cost cutting, which is indirectly the revenue for them. Moreover a general working hour has extended to almost 12 hrs in a day. Where as an usual office culture, 8-9 hrs in a day, that is no longer applicable for many industries. Society and social involvement has completely stopped. As per research, it has been seen, people are not able to maintain balance in their personal or family life with professional life due to this new work culture. A drastic changes of behaviour are observed in many cases. The cases of frustrations, domestic violence has gone very high.


              Education sector, who are providing online classes to the students now a days,just like other corporate's, they have also adopted this culture. This is one of the profit making industries. It's not really clear till day, how students are getting benefited from this. As per research it was found more than 22-25% students are sleeping, nearly 15-18% students are out of the world during offline classes, 7-9% students were found busy with their mobile or social media and approximately 5-8% students are found who are really involve in offline classes. Now the question arises, when more than 60-68% students are not mentally present at offline classes, it's really understood, what exactly students are doing when it comes to online classes then. Though it nice to hear that people are taking online classes, but practically it has very dark side too. Moreover from this 5-8% of students who are really involved in studies, many time it's found that they are not financially strong. Out of these 5-8% students, who really can't effort for online classes, are became like other students.

               Over all if we see, this new culture has made everyone's life miserable. Neither we can't leave this nor we can't live without this. The balance which has completely disbalanced now, will take another era to recover. 

