Pagoda For Academic Achievements And Career Success

 The pagoda tower is one of the classic architectural structures that arouses a feeling of oriental surroundings. We see them all the time in movies, book illustrations, and some very busy tourist attraction spots in China and Japan. Their presence can actually be felt as well in countries like Burma, Nepal, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc. It is mostly known in feng shui as a temple of wisdom, peace and harmony. As such, it is often used  in association with calling for scholastic luck in academic achievements and career success.

A secondary use of it is as a form of protection by entrapping negative energy inside. These days, the majority of pagoda products manufactured for display by consumers take on the form of the infamous Wen Chang pagoda.

Legend of the pagoda:- Sometimes known as the education tower, Many famous Chinese poems actually reference the pagoda for breathtaking scenic views, happiness in scaling them, and attribution to doing well in education, etc.

The pagoda tower is used in feng shui as a symbol of academic success and an emblem of protection by keeping bad energy in check.

During ancient times, as stream and rivers were common, pagodas were erected along riverbanks to capture good, so that positive energy do not just flow down the river into the abyss. This is especially so when the river is straight instead of curved. Students studying or the imperial exams were also known to pray to wen chang with 4 specific types of gift offerings.

  1. Carrot represents luck
  2. Celery symbolizes diligence
  3. Garlic is associated with being meticulous calculating
  4. Scallion is related to intelligence

With the application of feng shui, the number of tiers a pagoda has bears great significance.

Lucky feng shui pagodas are usually made with 5, 7, 8 or 9 levels.

A 5 level pagoda is a mirror image to the 5 elements that make up the metaphysical world. It also serves as a protector of bad luck coming from 5 directions.

A 7 level pagoda represents the 7 treasures of Buddhism as well as symbolic of the 7 northern stars that bring career and wealth luck.

8 being the most auspicious number, understandably has a place here.

A 9 level pagoda signifies completeness as the nine numbers make up a whole cycle. It is best used to attract academic luck while being able to subdue bad luck and negative energy in general.

Pagoda feng shui placement:-

While the placement of pagodas will not harm feng shui in any sector of the house, homeowners who have them for display at home usually have a specific reason for doing so.

And that is usually for academic success either for themselves, their children, or other household members who are studying and sitting for examinations soon.

For this reason they are generally best placed in the southeast or where the study area is located.

Otherwise, one can also refer to the trigrams and place the object at the section of the house with the trigram that represents the person who needs that scholastic luck.

For example, if the youngest son is the one meant it benefit from the power of the feng shui pagoda, then the trigram Ken in the northeast is where to place it.

And if the beneficiary is meant to be the patriarch for career development, then the trigram Chien at the northwest is where the tower should be placed. The prowess of placement in this instant might be enhanced further if it’s a jade pagoda.

However, the most potent method of placing the pagoda for academic luck is to find where the Green star 4 is located in the house according to flying star feng shui.

Otherwise, more casual placements of it include:

  1. For students and scholars place the pagoda beside your bed or at your place of study. The pagoda is said to help support your concentration and focus, enabling a faster acquisition of knowledge and thus success in your academics.
  2. Place the pagoda at your front doorway for protection of your home or office.
  3. Place the pagoda behind your chair at your office to strengthen your authority and improve your respect among colleagues. It will create strong career chi and ensure that betrayal from your peers is never an issue.
  4. For those who are ill, place the pagoda at your bedside.

Here are some placements:- 

1. Place the pagoda in the East area of your living or dining room to fortify the “health” sector. This will help dissolve negative chi that could lead to illness or disease.

2. Place the pagoda in the Northeast sector of the bedroom or study room to improve education luck and invite heightened mental abilities.
